
October 23, 2003
Brian Unger: Well, he’s dark and gritty, and usually he’s sniffing around a murder scene. Perfect casting for
a sitcom guest star, right? Well, here’s Chris Meloni’s very funny crossover.
(On the set of SCRUBS, Chris attacks the camera with Mr. CookiePants.)
Voiceover: Guess who.
Chris as Dr. Norris: (Talking into a giant pretend phone) Hellooooo?
Voiceover: Yes, it’s Chris Meloni.
Chris as Det. Stabler: Police!
Voiceover: Also know as Detective Elliot Stabler on Law And Order: SVU.
Chris as Dr. Norris: My doll!
Voiceover: Pulling a comic surprise out of his box of acting tricks on this weeks episode of Scrubs.
Chris: It’s fun.
Voiceover: Extra got a sneak peek at the actor’s guest appearance during a visit to the set of the hit NBC series.
Chris as Dr. Norris: I’m Dr. Norris.
Voiceover: Where we found Chris playing an eccentric pediatrician with...
Chris: ...A penchant for talking through puppets.
Voiceover: It’s an odd habit TV’s doctor Cox and Ex Wife Jordan discover when they try to secure his services
for their new baby boy.
Chris as Dr. Norris: For God’s sake, it’s an innocent doll!
John C. McGinley as Dr. Cox: No, David, it’s a collectable.
Voiceover: And regulars John C. McGinley and Christa Miller Lawrence agree Chris’s character truly is...
Carla (to Dr. Cox): The one Doctor on Earth who’s more obnoxious then you are.
John C. McGinley: Just an A-one pain in the ass.
Christa Miller Lawrence: He hates everybody and he’s a psycho.
Voiceover: In fact, Chris is apparently so good at being bad, there’s even talk of him returning to Scrubs.
McGinley: I bet he comes back. He’s just, you know, he’s spot on. He’s just crushing it.
Voiceover: And Chris says he’s up for it.
Chris: If they like the stuff that I’m laying down, yeah, it all works out, I’d love to be back.
Voiceover: As long as this dummy (Mr. CookiePants) says it’s okay, of course.

